Save or rename a presentation
Keynote automatically saves your presentation as you work so you don’t have to. You can rename your presentation, create different versions of it, and save it to another location.
If you want to save the presentation in a format other than Keynote, export the presentation in another format.
Save a presentation
Keynote gives a new presentation a placeholder name such as Untitled 1 and saves it to a default location. You can specify a title for the presentation and save it to a different location.
Press the Option key while you choose File > Save As (from the File menu at the top of your screen).
If you don’t see Save As, make sure you’re holding down the Option key as you choose the menu item.
Enter a name in the Save As field.
Enter one or more tags (optional).
Click the Where pop-up menu, then choose where you want to save the presentation.
You can save it to a folder on your Mac or on a server, or save it to iCloud.
Tip: If you don’t see the location you’re looking for in the pop-up menu, choose Other to see more options.
Click Save.
When you save a presentation to iCloud, the presentation is stored on a server, not on your Mac. It appears automatically on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch (if you set up iCloud) and is updated whenever you make changes to it on any computer or device signed in to your iCloud account. The iCloud Drive folder that appears in the Save or Open dialogs on your Mac is a convenient way of knowing what’s stored in iCloud, but you must be connected to the Internet and signed in to your iCloud account to access these files.
Rename a presentation
Click the presentation name at the top of the Keynote window, then type a new name.
Click anywhere outside the dialog to dismiss it. You can also open the presentation, choose File > Rename (from the File menu at the top of your screen), then enter the new name.
Duplicate a presentation
Choose File > Duplicate.
A new presentation opens with its name selected at the top of the presentation.
Type a new name.
Revert a presentation to an earlier version
Choose File > Revert To (from the File menu at the top of your screen), then choose an option:either Last Opened, or Browse All Versions.
Last Opened: All changes you made to the presentation since you last opened it are deleted.
Browse All Versions: The timeline for the presentation opens, showing tick marks on the right that indicate every time the presentation was opened, saved, duplicated, locked, renamed, or reverted.
If you chose Browse All Versions, click tick marks along the timeline to browse versions to display the versions.
When you find the version you want, do one of the following:
To restore your presentation to this version, click Restore.
To duplicate this version in a new presentation, press the Option key and click “Restore a Copy.”
To leave your presentation as is, without changes, click Done.